
With its unique, versatile, multifaceted silhouette, Triangle is never the same!

Triangle offers a wide range of dynamic variations depending on the vantage point from which it is viewed. Its triangular shape and tapering blade profile give Porte de Versailles a prominent visual identity.

A new star for Paris

Triangle, now one of the three tallest buildings in Paris after the Montparnasse tower and the Eiffel Tower, stands on the bustling edge of Porte de Versailles. A watchful look-out, a place of excitement, innovation and life, this new star will keep watch day and night over the south of Paris, creating a new, instantly recognisable landmark in the urban landscape.

Herzog &
De Meuron

2001 Pritzker Prize-winning architects who have designed iconic projects around the world
Herzog & De Meuron Herzog & De Meuron
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